On 1/12/2006 2:04 PM Noah Markon said the following:

>>Next I moved on the "Input Connections".  For [DVB:0], I set Video
>>Source tho the source I created in the previous step.  I'm not sure what
>>to put for Starting Channel or if it's even necessary.  My lineup shows
>>one channel as "KCRADT" and the number as "3_1".  The corresponding
>>entry in ~/.azap/channels.conf for that entry is "KCRA-DT" (the
>>difference is the "-").  Should channels.conf be edited to match the
>>KCRADT that is shown in the lineup?  And do I need to set "Starting
>>Channel" and if so, do I use name (KCRADT) or number (3_1)?
>>I exit mythtv-setup and start myth backend.  Then I start mythfrontend.
>>Now how do I access my new card?  I tried LiveTV and it shows the
>>PVR-250.  The user guide says the "Y" will switch between cards.  So I
>>press "Y" but all I get is a blank screen.
>My guess is that you're getting a blank screen because your Starting
>Channel is incorrect. This is how I got my fusion card setup for OTA.
>After you setup the video source, go into Edit Channels. Then select
>Scan Channels, select terrestrial. the setup will then scan for
>channels that it can tune. Select one of those channels, they'll be
>something like 111, 112 (11_1 and 11_2), 31 (3_1). Use one of those
>channels (111, 31.. etc) as your starting station. You should be able
>to tune to these stations in mythfrontend now, but your guide will be
>missing the information. To fix this, and i'm not sure if this is the
>correct way of doing, but you'll have to go back into Edit Channels
>write down the XMLTV (i think that's what it's called) then use that
>ID for the new scan channel. So edit 3_1 get the xmltv ID, then use
>that ID for 31. You guide should be using the guide for 3_1 for 31.
OK, that was it.  I was under the (wrong) impression that when I created 
a second lineup at Zap2It and ran mythfilldatabase, it populated that 
for me.  It "looked" like it did but I guess it was missing PID 
(whatever that is) and possibly other information that needs to be in 
the database but is not shown on the screen.  Now I guess I have extra 
channel IDs in MySQL?  What's the best way to remove them for a non SQL 
person like myself?  :)

Now, how to I tell MythTV that this channel is 16:9 and that is 4:3.  
Right now it's defaulting to 4:3 which was fine for my PVR-250 but not 
for HDTV.

>>Any suggestions on what to check next to get this working?  I feel like
>>I'm so close yet so far... :)
>I think you're closer then you think!

And I'm even closer now but still not quite there.  :)

Thanks for your help.


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