> > (My main complaint with the 6200 is that colors are way too saturated,
> and
> > there's no way to crank them back to more natural levels within
> MythTV.)
> That's easy to solve. Load up "nvidia-settings" and turn off "Digital
> Vibrance" (Turn it down to 0).
> That should solve your problem. If not, go into the "X Server XVideo
> Settings" area and play with the controls there. If the problem's not
> just in video, try the "X Server Color Correction" option instead.
I have exactly the same problem with a 6200 card, and I tried all of
I posted here about it a couple of days ago.  The digital vibrance control
is all the way off by default.  X Server Xvideo settings to control hue,
saturation, brightness, and contrast don't exist for the the 6200, and
that's the crux of the problem.  X Server color correction only allows
gamma correction.  You can get a poor-mans hue control by adjusting red
and green separately, but there's no way to adjust saturation with gamma
correction, and that's the real problem.  The colors are so blown out that
it is unwatchable.

It'd be nice to get a 5300PCX card, but those aren't made anymore and
they're hard to find.

-- Mike

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