On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 08:45:50AM -0600, Ramzy Darwish wrote:
> If someone could either tell me, or point me in the right direction
> to the actual process of finding the keyboard codes or whatever I
> need to proceed, it would be greatly appreciatd.
> Again, I have searched and have found info so close to what I need,
> but not quite there, that I may just be using the wrong search
> terms.

If all you want to do is just teach your remote your keyboard
keystrokes, you should be able to just do it in the usual way (e.g.,
point your keyboard at your remote while it is in "learning" mode).

If you go the JP1 route, I found everything I needed for my remote
(Radio Shack 15-2116) and keyboard (Airboard) at
http://www.hifi-remote.com/ofa/ and the JP1 links from that page.


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