> Is this the correct place for bug reports?
> It can display the wrong end time of a recording.  For example
> on the program detail screen
> 11:00:00 AM to 12:00:00 PM (240 mins)
> The popup display on the scheduled recording page also displays the wrong
> stop time and it also displays the box on the program listing page around
> the wrong time period.
> If you enter a manual recording with a start time that is the same
> as a program listing for the channel but the stop time is not the same
> it displays this problem.
> The problem appears to be that it is pulling the information to display
> from the program listing, not the scheduled recordings from the database.
> The program listings has an entry from downloaded program guide and also
> one created when you manually schedule the show.  It displays the data
> from the wrong one.
> I am using 18.1

I am seeing a similar issues on 18.1, although it might be fixed in
newer SVN releases.

I am noticing that while I have 4 mins early and 4 mins late end set
globally, the end time on programs recordings while recording never
shows the correct end time, it merely shows the end time as taken from
the program listing (minus the 4 mins extension globally)

I think this is what your describing?
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