On 1/15/06, David Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> An Australian company started to sell them.  www.d1.com.au is the URL,
> though I haven't been in a while.
> Whytey

Cheeky sods, from their website:

"Issue 6: I want to build my own media centre based on my own
hardware. Can I buy the Home Media Centre software only?

Solution: Unfortunately we cannot sell the HMC software to end users
by itself. The HMC is an integrated device and its software is
customised to work only on its specific hardware configuration. As
such, it is unlikely that our software would function correctly on a
machine you have built yourself. However, if you are looking to
re-sell or distribute your own media centre device we would be
delighted to discuss customising and licensing our software for your

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