
have it running. If any other person will try jack in combination with
mythtv, only do the following:
1. start jackd
2. Go into your mythfrontend in the general configuration. There you
need to put a "JACK:" in the audiodevice.
3. Now try to view a tv show or video. You should be able to enjoy the
sound now :-).


Michael Obster wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> can anybody tell me how I can configure jack or arts in my mythfrontend?
> To the doc writers: The documention doesn't capture that topic yet.
> (Only the point that you should disable such deamons, because otherwise
> the alsa devices are not accessible, but that was the time before arts
> and jack plugins were in mythtv I think...)
> To get closer to my problem, I will give you some output I get. First of
> all mythtv is compiled only with arts and jack support (no alsa, no oss).
> Starting jack with "jackd -d alsa -S -d hw:0,0" gives:
> [...]
> creating alsa driver ...
> hw:0,0|hw:0,0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|16bit
> control device hw:0
> configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames, buffer = 2 periods
> Starting mythfrontend with configured audiodevice JACK:hw0,0 result in
> looping:
> 2006-01-15 13:50:46.268 Error opening audio device (hw:0,0), the error
> num was: 7
> hw:0,0: Illegal seek
> 2006-01-15 13:50:46.275 Error opening audio device (hw:0,0),  Port not
> found.
> hw:0,0: Illegal seek
> Both started as root!
> Anybody here who can give me a hint?
> Second topic arts: Which device name comes after ARTS:...? I only get
> this by reading the sourcecode (so also a point for documentation).
> Cheers,
> Michael
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