On 16/01/06, Dewey Smolka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How's fedora nowadays..... is it the same story as with the dependencies of
> > suse?
> I've had no problem with either FC3 or FC4 in a dual-boot notebook
> (Compaq EVO n800c) -- everything including the touchpad worked out of
> the box. I think the only real hardware problem Linux has with laptops
> these days is with embedded wireless devices, which my notebook
> doesn't have.
> I was able to set up and run Myth frontends on both with little
> problem just by following Jarod Wilson's guide.

Same here running a RHEL4 notebook - took a little tinkering getting
the IPW2200 wireless working, but no problems at all. I'm interested
in the reasons people suggest against installing/using Fedora/RedHat -
I've not had any problems with them (currently using FC2/FC4/RHEL4
MythTV systems).

The one overriding issue I (and most DVB/ivtv users) have faced is
getting their respective modules playing nicely together. Now that the
ivtv project is being integrated in to the kernel this should become a
thing of the past.

On my laptop, the only devices not usable are the memory card reader
and the smartcard reader, which I can live with.

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