> > Is there an operator === in PHP ?
> > 
> > I found a line:
> >         if ($key === 'offset') {
> > in recording_schedules.php ?
> > 
> > It is not the reason for the problem, but anyway?
> yes.  it means "equals, and of the same type".  In that case, if $key is 
> zero, 'offset' is evaluated as an integer, which is also zero, so they 
> match.  The === makes sure that 'offset' and $key are both the same type 
> (int != string).

OK, sorry for my bad PHP.

Anyway I am very close to a solution now.
Down in programs.php the SQL produced in load_all_program_data() is bogus
it contains 4 "?" marks and the query is only passed 3 parameters. I told PHP 
print the SQL statement in my case and got:
query = SELECT program.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(program.starttime) AS starttime_unix, 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(program.endtime) AS endtime_unix, CONCAT(repeat(?, 
program.stars * ?), IF((program.stars * ? * 10) % 10, "?", "")) AS starstring, 
IFNULL(programrating.system, "") AS rater, IFNULL(programrating.rating, "") AS 
rating, oldrecorded.recstatus FROM program LEFT JOIN oldrecorded USING 
(seriesid, programid) LEFT JOIN programrating USING (chanid, starttime) WHERE 
program.chanid='30' AND program.starttime = FROM_UNIXTIME('1137685500') GROUP 
BY program.chanid, program.starttime ORDER BY program.starttime

The substituting parameters in the query are:
star_character, max_stars, max_stars


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