Chris, when you say 600MHz PIII, is that with a hardware MPEG encoder/decoder or without?  For SD that is.

On 1/18/06, Chris Ribe < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you going to be doing HD? 

If not, you can't go too cheap.  If you are only interested in SD programming a good rule of thumb is probrably, "If you can buy it new, it's overkill."

The only components you really need to put any thought into are the capture card(s) and hard disks(s).  And the video card,kind of.  More storage is better.

Regarding memory specifically, if it is really going to be a dedicated Myth box, there is no reason to waste money buying 2GB of memory.  512MB would be more than enough.

If you are going to use a television for your monitor, don't worry about a monitor.

Otherwise, get an NVidia 5xxx video card. 

To do simultaneous playback and recording, your processor should be at least a 600Mhz PIII or equivalent. 

On 1/17/06, Chris Weisiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
What are some good specs for a mythTV box..I have seen specs for high
end machines doing multiple
recordings....I am not looking into doing such things...

All i am looking for is to record a single channel while watching
it....and the possibility to pause live tv...
just a basic recording box....

I am looking into buiding a mini-itx box with laptop components....slim
line cd/dvd, laptop hard drive, dimm or sodimm memory
depending on what type of mini-itx motherboard i get or is recommended....

What is the lowest possible processor speed to accomplish recording and
pausing live tv....

i was looking into getting a mini-itx with a 1.3 processor? and a
pvr-350 card?

i know memory helps the i was planning on maxing out the
memory..i found
a mini-itx board that can support 2 gig or ram...and the hard drive
space of course is not
an issue for me to deal is basically the processor speed..
being this is the first
attempt at creating a mythTV box...

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