On 18/01/06, Brian Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 18, 2006, at 5:49 AM, Luke wrote:

On 18/01/06, Brian Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 17, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Luke wrote:

I have a situation here, while trying to compile and install lirc from source on FC4.

  • I have downloaded the latest kernel source for FC4 and it's installed at:
      /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel- 2.6.14/linux-2.6.14/
  • I made a symbolic link like so:
    ln -s /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.14/linux- 2.6.14  /usr/src/linux
  • running the script ./configure for lirc is successful
  • the make command generate errors, the first of which is:
    error: ../drivers/media/video/bttv.h: No such file or directory
    Further errors below that are probably due to the missing bttv.h and similar files.

I know the so-called missing header files exist at /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.14/linux-2.6.14/drivers/media/video/* . Where is make looking for the header files. This looks straight forward but, I am lost. Any ideas?

Well "make" is certainly not looking *there*, that's for sure. On my old FC3 system bttv.h is located in /usr/src/linux/drivers/media/video/

Where /usr/src/linux is a link to the proper kernel tree, as your's is.

You could simply move the file to that place, but I'm betting that would just cause a different error a little later when it failed to find the next header that it wants.

You could also make a link from the actual location of the "drivers" to the similar position in the actual kernel tree, might work but it's hackneyed.

You could also look at the output of "configure" and see where it *thinks* the headers are located, and either point it to the correct place or link that place to the actual location.

Of course, with recent kernel changes, the bttv.h file you have might not be usable or correct for the version of LIRC that you have :-)

It appears this is a kernel 2.6.14. Since this is so new, there is no patch for it yet from lirc.org. Maybe I should wait for a patch. 

The kernel version per se shouldn't be a problem. I was running 2.6.14 on a Gentoo system that worked just fine with what they were calling lirc version 0.8.0_pre1 (before a HDD crash took the system down that is).

Gentoo has a version " lirc-0.8.0_pre3" that is claimed to have modifications for the 2.6.15 kernel, all I know about it is that it does not appear to work with 2.6.14.

But your header location problems should not be directly related to kernel version, more likely to a squirrely installation of kernel sources, a problem I've had with FC systems in the past.

mythtv-users mailing list

Eureka! I have modified the following source file: /usr/src/lirc-0.8.0pre2/drivers/lirc_gpio/lirc_gpio.c
  • Located following lines in the source file:
#include "../drivers/char/bttv.h"
#include "../drivers/char/bttvp.h"
#include "../drivers/media/video/bttv.h"         <========  the offending line

  • Modified them to
#include "../drivers/char/bttv.h"
#include "../drivers/char/bttvp.h"
#include "bttv.h"   <=========================== modified line
  • Copied the files
/usr/src/linux/drivers/media/video/bttv*.h  to


That's it make && make install perform as expected. ls -lh /dev/lirc* yields shiny new devices.
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