On Wednesday 18 January 2006 20:32, Curtis Preston wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael T. Dean
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:10 PM
> > To: Discussion about mythtv
> > Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] widescreen from pvr-350
> >
> > Gabe Rubin wrote:
> > > I recently upgraded my tv to a widescreen HD, and want to be able to
> > > use widescreen themes.  This may be a very stupid question, but is it
> > > possible to do so using just the RCA-video out on the pvr-350?  Should
> > > I switch to s-video, change a config setting in my Xorg.conf file, or
> > > is it just not possible with a pvr-350?  I am not too concerned about
> > > the tv shows, as I am not capturing any HD content.
> >
> > IMHO, you should ditch the PVR-350 TV out (which uses NTSC and its
> > 50+-year-old technology) and go to a VGA/DVI/HDMI output.  Since you
> > spent the money on an HDTV, you might as well enjoy the better picture
> > quality it makes possible.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
> I recommend using a VGA -> component adapter.  DVI & component can both
> do HD, but the component is a lot easier to figure out what settings to
> use.

or a video card with DVI and component output. The advantage of the VGA 
converter is that its guaranteed to work and be easy to setup, they're just 
more expensive than a new Nvidia card with component output with a dedicated 
HDTV tuner chip (so you use the tv-out functions and just set it to "HDTV").

> Read this link about how to use powerstrip to get custom resolutions on
> your HDTV TV.  Yes, it involves temporarily loading Windows on your
> system, but TRUST ME, it's worth it.  Once you use powerstrip to get
> everything beautimus, hit the copy to clipboard button and paste into
> notepad.  Voila!  There's your linux settings!

no need, just look at the X log file, both the NVidia and ATI drivers will 
print out the EDID settings received from your TV. Then use one of the 
plethora of web-based X config utils to create the modeline.

> His method only works if you can easily (dynamically) unplug your
> computer from your regular monitor and plug it into the HDTV, then plug
> it back into your monitor if something screws up.  The problem with
> doing this with DVI (at least the problem I had) is that you can't do
> this with DVI.  I've got a geforce fx 5200 with dvi, vga, and svideo.
> When I boot up with the HDTV connected to the dvi output, I can't get a
> signal out of the vga output, and vice versa.  That makes the really
> good procedure above not possible.

If your card doesn't do Component output, just run the svideo to the TV for 
the command line and DVI for X, thats how I have mine setup. you'll need to 
boot without the DVI connected, but once everything is going you won't need 
to do this as you can do everything else form a ssh terminal.
If it does do component, then run the VGA to your monitor and the component 
output to your TV.

> (That is, unless someone can tell me how to configure the box so I can
> display DVI & VGA at the same time.  Then, when I tweak something on the
> DVI side and freak out the TV, I can still see things on my monitor.)

twinview, DVI as the main screen.

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