On 19/01/06, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike,
> Thanks for fully clarifying my point - I did forget to include it
> related specifically to manual recordings where no guide data is used.
> The point I was trying to make was that there is potentially
> non-obvious differing behaviour whether the start date is Mon-Fri or
> Sat-Sun (which has been discussed before).
> I guess I still don't _fully_ understand why there is a difference in
> behaviour as noted above without an added option that explicitly makes
> this difference clear to users. Whilst I know that a lot of syndicated
> shows are broadcast Mon-Fri with differing weekend schedules, there
> are others that are Mon-Sun, so I would venture that having the
> weekend manual recordings not show up at least non-obvious. On the
> flip-side I also know that there are various different interpretation
> of the meaning of 'every day' which I guess is the root of the
> standard behaviour if a manual recording is scheduled Mon-Fri.

Just to add a tidbit to my post - I understand it is the starting date
for the rule (not the actual date the rule was created) that governs
the behaviour, but MythWeb defaults the start date/time to the current
date/time, so if you just change the time for the recording (e.g. if
the rule wants to start today at the given time) and it happens to be
Mon-Fri a user will see the differing behaviour. I realise I'm
flogging a dead horse here, I just would like an extra option (just
for manual recordings) to make this explicit.

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