In the early stages of when realtime commflag was being implemented,
my system used to be able to skip commercials DURING the in-progress
recording.  I mean, if I wait and let myth build up about 20-25
minutes of video and then start watching, I could have myth do
commercial skip.  Life was good.

However, for several months now this does not work.  I can see that
mythcommflag is running in the background and at the end of the
recording I can see how many commercials were detected.  That work
works fine, but I can not watch a in-progress recording and have myth
skip commercials.

Watching a program after it's completed does the proper commercial skips fine.

Has something changed?  I'm running SVN from about Jan 16th.

1) Did I imagine/dream that I could watch commercial skiped
in-progress recordings?
2) Is there an additional setting?
3) Feature change?

# Endaf
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