
Did you stop the backend before you started mythtv-setup ?



On 1/19/06, Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I got fusion 5 hdtv lite card working with linux. I'm able to azap fine to
> channels I have scanned. I'm getting FE_HAS_LOCK. Now, I setup my zap2it and
> added a lineup. I ran mythtv-setup and added the card, video sources and
> input sources. I went to menu number 5 which is Channel editor to start my
> scan. I selected the CABLE I added in zap2it and right after I hit start
> scanning or scan channels button, I got "Failed to open card".
> This card is at /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0.
> My first hdtv card is an Air2PC at /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 and it still
> working fine.
> Again, while doing azap -a 1 FOX-HD -r and cat /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0 >
> somefile.mpg, it works well.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Neil
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