On 1/19/2006 11:51 PM frank s wrote:

>Hello, I am a newbie to mythtv and have a setup that
>is working fairly well, but is having a problem with
>freezes under certain conditions.  
>I have been searching the board for MythTV users who
>are having a problem similar to what I am experiencing
>and have turned up a couple of posts that are similar.
> Neither have a posted resolution or are linked, but
>they may be the same.
>First a short description of the problem as I am
>experiencing it:
>- HD3000 connected to us-cable (digital)
Terrestrial here.

>- Dell 4700 w/Pentium 4 Processor 530 with HT
>Technology (3.00GHz, 800 FSB)
AMD 2800+ on Nvidia GeForce2 chipset

>- 512 MB RAM

>- 160 GB EIDE SATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM)
And a 200 GB EIDE Drive in a lvm config with my 160 GB.

>- Hauppauge PVR 1081 RT connected to us-cable (analog)
PVR 250

>- Fedora Core 4
Gentoo 2.6.13-r5 kernel.

>- MythTV 0.18.1
>- frontend and backend are both on this box

>Problem symptoms
>- watching live HDTV sometimes freezes (mostly with
>720p format)
>- playing back HDTV recordings made while watching
>analog tv usually freeze
>- playing back HDTV recordings made while frontend is
>idle appear NOT to freeze (7 hours of recordings made
>with no freeze)
>- when freeze occurs kswapd0 becomes very active and
>the disk usage grows with time
Haven't noticed this but then my HD3000 install is still very new.

>- a particular recording will always freeze at the
>same point on multiple playback attempts
>- skipping past the freeze point does not cause a
>freeze, but audio is lost even though the video is
I have this problem too.  Suspected either I didn't have something right 
in my config or due to weak signal.  I know my signal strength bounces 
around (80, 70, 75, 65, 68, 72, etc.)  on one station and so far, this 
behavior has been limited to recordings on that channel.

>- playing the recording in the window of the select
>recording page allows the video to play right through
>the freeze point without freeze occurring (of course
>there is no audio at all in this case)
Haven't tried this as I have thumbnails selected.

>- the frontend reports a prebuffering pause when the
>freeze occurs
Same here.

>- the freeze occurs at the same point when mplayer is
>used to play the recording
Haven't tried this but I will.

>Two previous posts that I found which appear to be
>related to this problem are:
>I would appreciate any ideas on how to correct this
>issue.  Thanks in advance for your help.
I'll be watching this thread with interest as I have no idea what's 
going on.  :)



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