   I recently experienced some of the problems you are describing on a new install (unstable system, FC4 install crashing out at random point in the process).  My problem turned out to be memory that was either bad or just wouldn't play nice with the MB. 

I would suggest running memtest if you haven't already.  

On 1/21/06, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Bob wrote:

>Thanks to everyone who replied. I thought I would post an update even though
>I am dead in the water due to the hard drive crashing.
>1) I recorded a show. The file was created, but trying to watch the show
>resulted in the same blank screen crash that I have gotten originally
>entering LiveTV. I think this points to an nvidia driver issue particular to
>the myth internal player. (mplayer works fine).
Because MPlayer doesn't use OpenGL vsync.

>2) I was very optimistic about Brian's suggestion of removing the "load glx"
>from the xorg.conf. I commented it out, and even restarted the machine (not
>just X) but the problem persisted.
NVIDIA's drivers are auto-loading the GLX module.  You either need Myth
0.18.1 (or below) compiled without OpenGL support or Myth 0.18-fixes or
SVN (which has a runtime setting in frontend settings to disable OpenGL
vsync).  In a "short" time, though, upgrading to 0.19 will give you this
option (and 0.19 may be ready before your new hard drive arrives...
(fingers crossed)  ;)

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