On 1/22/06, Piers Kittel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geoff,
> > One answer which will last through a reboot would be to amend the line
> > in 50-udev.rules to add a "Group=mythtv" and "Mode=770" to the line
> > describing /dev/hdc or whatever your hardware is listed as ( as in fstab).
> >
> > HTH
> > Geoff
> OK installed udev, and the /etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules
> seemes OK to me but still not working.  Here's the snippet from the file:
> # IDE devices
> BUS="ide", KERNEL="hd[a-z]", SYSFS{removable}="1", \
>    PROGRAM="/bin/cat /proc/ide/%k/media", RESULT="cdrom*",
> GROUP="cdrom", MODE="770"
> There's no entry for hdc anywhere.
> The snippet for my user in the groups file is:
> cdrom:x:24:piers
> And the CDROM mount directory still shows:
> dr-xr-xr-x  3 4294967295 4294967295 88 2003-09-08 21:08 cdrom0
> What am I doing wrong here?
> Thanks so much for your help again!
> Cheers - Piers
> _______________________________________________

I think installing Udev is more than just apt-get install udev, but I
could be wrong ;)

You could change your entry in fstab or mount with option:
mount -t -o umask=000 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

Or, you can edit your existing entry in fstab, in the 'defaults'
section, remove defaults and type:

See how that goes for ya.

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