I wrote:
> Ooops! (feeling suitably silly).

Well, in fact I have default Linux capapbilities compiled as a module, but
am unsure from the link as to whether it would be better compiled in,

I also have a /etc/defaults/realtime file, looking like this:

# Configuration file for the realtime LSM module
# PARAMETERS can be one or more of:
# gid=xx      (allow realtime capabilities for gid xx only)
# any=1|0     (allow any user and process to have realtime)
# mlock=1|0   (allow/disallow mlocking)
# allcaps=1|0 (allow setpcap functionality (dangerous!))

# enable loading of module at startup

# parameter settings for module

Wondering how that plays with PAM?

Also, the comments in my limits.conf file don't mention rtprio,
rt_priority or anything realtime.

All this makes me wonder whether my system is set up to allow realtime-lsm
to handle this.
Could PAM and realtime-lsm be contradictory?

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