I use the general settings to add 10 minutes to every recording ( I think that the start time works the same).
That way the recording will record extra 10 minutes if it can. But if there is some other recording starting at end time, the extra 10 minutes is not recorded and next recording will be recorded.

I don't know if you can understand my explanation, but I hope so 8)

On 1/24/06, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On 01/24/2006 02:14 AM, Reuben Perelman wrote:
> I usually have a recording start a minute early to make sure that I get
> the beginning of a program. My system has 2 TV tuners. Say show A is
> from 8:00 - 8:30, and show B is from 8:30 - 9:00. When setting the
> recording to start a minute early, show A will be recorded from
> 7:59-8:30, and show B will be recorded from 8:29-9:00. Both show A and B
> are on channel 1. From 8:29-8:30 for a minute, mythtv will use both
> tuners to record both shows on the same channel. So if I wanted to
> record show C on channel 2 at 8:00-8:30, it won't be able to record
> because both Show A and B are being recorded from 8:29-8:30 using all of
> the TV Tuners, meaning that for that minute there will be nothing to
> record Show C in that period. Is there a way that I could set Show A and
> B to record from 8:29-8:30 from the same tuner because there on the same
> channel and thus exactly the same content, freeing up a TV tuner?
No.  If you have to have the extra minute and you only have two tuners,
you need a third tuner to get shows A, B, and C.

You could use the global pre-/post-roll (which is meant to give your
cards time to start up/for STB OSD's to disappear/etc.) to say, "if you
aren't already recording something in the previous timeslot, record an
extra minute".  Assuming you set a 60-second pre-roll and a 60-second
post-roll, with:

Show A: 8:00-8:30 on channel 1
Show B: 8:30-9:00 on channel 1
Show C: 8:00-8:30 on channel 2

you would get recordings that are something like

7:59-8:30 on channel 1 (show A)
7:59-8:31 on channel 2 (show C)
8:30-9:01 on channel 1 (show B)


7:59-8:31 on channel 1 (show A)
7:59-8:30 on channel 2 (show C)
8:30-9:01 on channel 1 (show B)

depending on priorities (and note that you may still have two tuners
recording on channel 1 for a minute).

And, if you're not recording show C, you'd get:

7:59-8:30 on channel 1 (show A)
8:30-9:01 on channel 1 (show B)

in other words, it won't start up the second tuner just to give you the
extra pre-/post-roll.

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