A JM wrote:
> Somehow a one word answer doesn't really help, but thanks for trying...

Did you try to find this? Google is your friend (the hint towards
Marilliat makes this even easier ;-):

Taken from http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-3.html


Debian packages for MythTV and most of its add-on modules are maintained
by Christian Marillat mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and are available at
http://debian.video.free.fr/. Installation instructions can be found on
those pages as well. All of the prerequisites for MythTV are available
as Debian packages, most of them from the official Debian archive.

If you have followed the instructions on the above page you should have


    deb-src ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sid main

to your |/etc/apt/sources.list| file. Running *apt-get update* and then
executing *apt-get build-dep mythtv* should install all the
pre-requisites required to compile MythTV.

*NOTE*: Due to the requirement for Qt 3.1+, there are no packages for
Debian woody/stable.

The Debian packages are configured such that MythTV programs should be
run as the |mythtv| user, which is automatically created during
installation. This user has access to write new recordings to disk in
the default directory, read and write the database, access the audio and
video devices, and everything else that MythTV needs to do.

See |/usr/share/doc//packagename//README.Debian| for more information,
including copies of the MythTV documentation. The |mythtv-doc| package
contains a copy of this HOWTO in |/usr/share/doc/mythtv-doc|.


Good luck,

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