Tom Dombrosky wrote:

> On 1/24/06, *Steve Adeff* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
> wrote:
>     On Tuesday 24 January 2006 12:34, Michael Starks wrote:
>     > I have been thinking of using a laptop CPU to save power on a
>     new MythTV
>     > system.  Basically, I'd like to be able to use the cpuspeed
>     daemon to
>     > drop the CPU speed when there isn't a lot going in.  Has anyone
>     done
>     > with with a full-size mainboard?  Any other tips?
>     laptop CPU's use different sockets, etc. I believe some of the new
>     mini boards
>     (BTX or something?) use laptop cpu's. I also believe desktop cpu's
>     support
>     the cpu speed daemons.
> The Athlon laptop cpus use the same socket.  They will work fine.

A  really minor modificatio can turn a normal Athlon XP into a mobile 
athlon too - which enables you to use the athcool stuff under linux. 
It's pretty straight forward and there's plenty of stuff on doing it out 

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