On 1/23/06, Steve Nuffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a list of changes/enhancements that is available on the web?  Want to see if it would be worth going to the new version at this time or wait when my Myth box is not used as much.


NB: This does *not* indicate that there has been a release, this was posted because there's a feature freeze in effect.  Given the timing, I'm waiting for the actual 0.19 release rather than having to upgrade twice in a short period.

Hi all,

I have just read the release notes for 0.19 and all i can say is,
oh boy, gooodie, goooodie.

I was wondering when the new release was due. Now i can see why it has taken so long.

I am not able to post answers very often, as i grew up in a Windoz world and work in a Windozzzz world. So Linux hurts my brain.
But i would like to thank all of you that help us (sometimes) annoying people.

But before the  new release hits why don't we avoid the usual questions i have seen come up 'how do i upgrade", "what do i need to save" , "where is my brain" & "Where is the ANY key" by answering a few questions and setting up a FAQ for upgrading.

Please feel free to flame me if i get it wrong. ( or you could just change it ;-) )

Upgrading check list.
Standard Myth Suite install. (no extra modules IE Mythstream)
this should update to 0.19
# aptget update mythsuite

Q .do you need to do a # aptget upgrade ???
A . ???????

Non Standard install (IE extra modules or people that have to use tv_grab_au scripts like me in Australia)

Q. What is 'Best Practice' for upgrades.
A. ????

Q. Is there a way to use a program like "Norton Ghost" to backup you current working system so if you are stupid like me and FUBAR your system you can bring it back before the WAF drops to the point hat she starts to make you sit there and program the video (what is one of those?) so she doesn't miss here shows !!!
A . ????

Q. Does the upgrade keep the current recording schedules? IE the wife has set Myth to record all of the 'days of our lives' or something. Will all of those be kept. if not how do we save them.
A. ????


I cant think of anything else that somebody might ask but if you can please add it. If people make a few responses i will edit the post and put them all together. Hopefully if we can get a nice list of answers ppl MIGHT read it before they post questions.

If needed i will re-post this in a new thread.

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