On 25/01/06, Roger Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Watkins wrote:
> trouble is - when it was done, the recorded program didn't show up in
> the
"recorded programs" part of the GUI. I can't find where the file
> was
recorded to - I did a search on the hard drive (recorded on
> 1/12/06)
find / | grep *20060112* and it came up blank.....

> Does grep work with wildcards? I'd have done:

find / -name "*20060112*"
> -print

The directory for recordings in specified during mythtvsetup
> (the
backend setup) I think by default it's called /store, but that
> depends what package you installed from.

If your file did get recorded, but
> isn't showing up, then that's
probably something to do with recording
> groups.

Manual recording with mythtv is a bit of a palaver. You might
> find
the following command easier. It's what I use for recording from
> my
VCR, using my PVR 350.

dd if=/dev/video0 of=~/myfile.mpg bs=64k

> CTRL-C when you've finished.

> When I used your command, it recorded live TV, not from the s-video
> connector (where my camera is connected to)
> I'm sure I need to use a different command, but don't know what that'd be.

Hmm  that's interesting - so I'm wondering if I've actually got my VCR
connected via the RF lead to the tuner input at the moment?  I
definately have used the S-Video input in the past though, because I
had to connect the audio in separately.

I suggest looking to see what other /dev/video devices exist on your
system, and trying them in place of /dev/video0.  I think one of the
setup pages of mythtvsetup shows you which input is on which device.
I'm afraid I don't know enough of the theory to suggest a more
scientific approach.
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