[EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/25/06 10:37 AM >>>
Yes, I used an inflammatory subject to get some attention.  So 
before you flame on, find out about RichardBronosky
You will find that this is very much out of character for me.

Yep, we all know who you are.  And that myth is a lower priority 
for you than your significant other (as is my situation - plus two

I've been trying to post to ivtv-users and ivtv-devel, yet my 
messages get moderated and never go out to the list. (which 
this address is subscribed to.)  I've been trying to join but the link to "create an account" does not 
take you to anywhere that you can create an account.  I can
find no contacts for that site.

This is very strange.  I'm on the ivtv list too.  What address are 
you using?  I use ivtv-users<at>ivtvdriver(dot)org (probably the 
same one you use, but figured I'd just make sure).

Have you gone here: 
to sign up?

My MythTV box is half a PVR-500 away from working and I want 
to seal this thing up, but IVTV is a dead end for me.  Does anyone 
have any info about the IVTV community they can share?

It's not nearly as active as this one, but I think that's because most
those people are here anyway.

Is your PVR-500 connected straight from the incoming cable, or through

a cable box?  You do know you can't get a cable box signal to both 
150's inside the 500, right?  Just makin' sure.

If you are interested in the PVR-500/IVTV situation you can look 
into it here <>. 

Interesting.  Hopefully you'll finish this up just in time to start
the .19 road!

Thanks for letting me vent, and in advance of the attention I 
know I will get from this community.  I wish IVTV was as 
pleasant to deal with.

ivtv is just a lot less active.  And most people can't do much other 
than run the right version of the drivers.  Have you checked out 
Jarod's guide, specifically the ivtv section, just to see if there's 
any help for your situation there?

Good luck!

mythtv-users mailing list
I'm considering the IVTV-0.4.2 road, but I'm afraid to go and make changes to this system that I am not knowledgeable enough to undo.  KnoppMyth just works for most people with my hardware, so I'm a very reluctant to stray from what is common from that user base.  (This is the category that the Jarod Wilson guides fall in)  I don't want to be an edge case when I go looking for help.  However, I think I officially am one.

I'm just afraid that I will make my machine worse, and will find myself doing a clean install of KnoppMyth R5A30.2 
Thank you for your time,
--==<< R i c h a r d   B r o n o s k y >>==--

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