This should not be an inssue in KnoppMyth correct?  Any KnoppMyth users want to chime in?  This is the reason I chose KoppMyth, to avaoid duplicate driver conflicts.

Peter Darley wrote:
	I had a similar but not identical issue.  When I did cat /dev/ 
video1, I got garbage, instead of a 0 length file.
	I resolved my problem by changing the drivers around.  Apparently  
the tuner.ko and tveeprom.ko that came with Fedora was interfering  
with the ivtv drivers.  What I did was:

cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/media/video/
mv tuner.ko tuner.ko.bak
mv tveeprom.ko tveeprom.ko.bak

cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/drivers/media/video
cp tuner-ivtv.ko tuner.ko
cp tveeprom-ivtv.ko tveeprom.ko

modprobe -r ivtv
depmod -a
modprobe ivtv

Peter Darley

On Jan 25, 2006, at 9:02 AM, Richard Bronosky wrote:

I tried:
cat /dev/video0 > ~/tmp/video0.mpg
[wait 5 seconds, ctrl-c]
cat /dev/video1 > ~/tmp/video1.mpg
[wait 5 seconds, ctrl-c]

video0.mpg contained a viewable file that was 5.7meg
video1.mpg was 0 bytes


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