On Thursday 26 January 2006 01:30, Stan Zaske wrote:
> Chad wrote:
> > On 1/25/06, Derek Diget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> C-SPAN has the Senate's Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
> >> Tuesday hearing on "Communications Issues: Broadcast and Audio Flag"
> >>
> >> See
> >> <http://www.c-span.org/videoarchives.asp?CatCodePairs=,&ArchiveDays=100>
> >> and scroll down to about the middle of the page.  The RealStream URL is
> >> <rtsp://video.c-span.org/15days/e012406_com.rm>
> >>
> >> To bad the EFF was not able to give testimony. :(
> >>
> >> --
> >> Derek
> >>
> >> On Jan 25, 2006 at 02:16 -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> >> =>It's a few days old, but in case you haven't heard...
> >> =>
> >> =>As if pushing the broadcast flag through wouldn't be enough to make
> >> the =>MPAA/RIAA happy...  The latest proposed legislation trying to
> >> =>retroactively ratify the FCC's broadcast flag regulations adds new
> >> =>wording to completely prohibit new, better ways of working with media
> >> =>(I'm pretty sure that includes Myth) unless approved by the FCC
> >> (giving =>the lobbyists a chance to add their input in the
> >> decision-making =>process).  Bill courtesy of Sen. Gordon Smith
> >> (R-Ore.).
> >> =>
> >> =>http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/004340.php
> >> =>
> >> =>and, don't forget to write your Senator...
> >> =>
> >> =>http://action.eff.org/site/Advocacy?id=205
> >> =>
> >> =>and, you may want to order a couple more HDTV tuners...
> >> =>
> >> =>Mike
> >> _______________________________________________
> >
> > What will it take to put this to rest?  How can both RIAA/MPAA and Us
> > all be happy and let these "Broadcast Flag" like things stop?
> >
> > Any ideas?
> Defeat the Republican Senators and Representatives up for election come
> November. Maybe then, we can largely get rid of the corrupt lobbyists
> buying our government away from us, the American People.

we'll just have to worry about the currupt Democrats who will do the same 
Your lying to yourself if you think the Dem's are any different than the Reps, 
they're all cut from the same corrupt government cloth. Get government out of 
business and you won't see laws supporting corrupt business practicel Get 
government out of business you won't see business supporting corrupt 

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