> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:00:03 -0500
    > From: Richard Bronosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    > Well, the moderator finally reviewed my 4 emails to the ivtv-users and
    > ivtv-devel lists.  And I got a unanimous "up yours" from him.  This is
    > very sad.

You were rejected by a misconfigured computer program, not a human.
It's unfortunate that this has cost you a week of angst and hard
feelings, but you're not the first to have tripped over this.

As your bounces make clear, you were sending to the old, decommissioned
lists at sourceforge, and -not- the current lists at ivtvdriver.org,
probably because you found the sourceforge lists via a search.

I've complained in the past that this is a smoking gun waiting to
screw people, and it looked like you just got burned (to mix three
metaphors together in a lovely stew).  In theory, someone will
eventually manage to get sourceforge to take those lists down -and-,
one would hope, to put big, prominent warnings all over their archives
and any other pages that everything there is obsolete and that people
should be looking at ivtvdriver.org instead, but apparently it hasn't
happened yet.  (Marking "interior" pages are important because often
people find those via search and never see the so-called toplevels.)

It's -particularly- unfortunate that the current list configuration
actually lets you -attempt- to subscribe and/or post, but then bounces
all attempts after a multi-day delay when some internal timer expires
(because no human has approved the request yet, because no human is
even reading the requests).  This makes it -look- like what you tried
should succeed, and that somebody's being deliberately unhelpful, and
is an even worse fakeout than just obsolete pages that haven't been
updated in months.

I'm CC'ing ivtv-devel in the hopes that someone might be able to
really get this situation fixed.
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