I posted before about not getting Live TV to work after updating to
ivtv 0.4.2.  Turns out it was a mysql problem (or rather the data
stored in the db).  After a lot of playing, just wiping card
settings/profiles was not enough for me.  Nor could I figure out how
to edit the db in such to wipe away the needed tables.  I had to
complete uninstall/remove mysql files on my system (not sure where
what was stored, and trying just a couple of things at first produced
no results).  Unfortunately, on a FC4 with dependencies, this is hell.

Anyway, I can confirm that it is up and running again once I did this,
resintalled myth (had to uninstall because of dependencies), and
reconfigured.  If someone knows exactly what changed from 0.4.x to
0.4.2 to cause these changes, we could probably write a script to get
people up and running again, without having to do what I did.
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