On 01/26/2006 05:13 PM, Mike Richardson wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 03:05:23PM -0600, Kevin Kuphal wrote:
>> Do you think this would be any different than a corrupt file or a 
>> registry error on Windows Media Center Edition?  Neither Linux or 
>> Windows are black boxes to be compared with Tivo and ReplayTV.  They 
>> have underlying operating system components that need care.  If you 
>> can't learn how to care for it, then maybe it isn't the right choice for 
>> you.
> By the same token several friends with Sky+ have had to reformat their
> storage several times, losing all their previous recordings and have had
> issues with the recording/storage/interface of a pretty serious nature. By
> Dad had serious problems with the disk in some HD/DVD recording device - the
> disk was fine but the device wouldn't reformat it.
Yeah.  A friend of mine who uses a cable company DVR had "issues" with 
it and the cable company had him bring it in--full of shows he had 
recorded.  They boxed it up, gave him a new empty one and he didn't even 
get the option to try to recover.  Perhaps this is more what the OP 
wants.  If so, call your cable company.

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