On 01/28/2006 12:46 PM, Dylan R. Semler wrote:
> Michael T. Dean wrote:
>> Or, to find out if it's worth testing a more precise frequency list, 
>> play with the fine tuning values in Myth for the affected channels.  
>> And, most importantly, make sure you're using the right tuner 
>> definition--just because you get a bad picture doesn't mean you've 
>> chosen the right tuner; often it means you've chosen the wrong one.  ;) 
> By choosing the right tuner, are you referring to the setting in 
> mythtv-setup -> capture cards?  I have the standard V4l capture card 
> selected for analog.

No, I mean the tuner definition used by your tuner module.  Some cards 
autodetect the tuner, while others force the user to specify a tuner 
using either the deprecated tuner module option:

options tuner type=XX

or the card option:

options ivtv tuner=XX


options bttv tuner=XX

or ...

I've seen many people who thought they choose the right one--typically 
because the one on the HOWTO they were reading didn't work, so after 
Googling, they found that they could just change the number, and after 
experimenting with 2 or 3, they found one that gave video/audio on some 
channels, so they thought they had it.  What they don't typically 
realize is that there are about 70 tuner definitions, so choosing 2 or 3 
at random (or, more likely, from the low-end, or right next to the one 
in the HOWTO) you're unlikely to pick the right one.  Also, what most 
people don't realize is that given any particular tuner, the likelihood 
of several definitions providing perfect audio/video on some channels is 
extremely high, but only one definition should provide perfect 
audio/video on all channels.

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