On 1/28/06, George Landon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks Asus has introduced a new Pundit model, the P1-PH1.  It is
> only listed on the Global site, so I'm not sure about availability.
> Looks like they stuck with ATI for the chipset though.
> http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=1&l2=3&l3=0&model=999&modelmenu=1
> Anyone have more information on this from a Myth point of view?
> --
> George V. Landon
> PhD Candidate, Computer Science
> Digital Media Networks Lab
> University of Kentucky
> _______________________________________________

Just taking a quick glance at it, it looks nice!  I don't think the
specs really look that great though, but I guess it depends on what
they are expecting to get for one of these.  They do accept a CPU fast
enough to do HD, so being an ATI based board really wouldn't matter so
much I guess, other than I hate ATI to the marrow of my existence, it
seems like a decent enough barebones Frontend.

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