On 1/28/06, Chad <masterclc[at]gmail.com > wrote:

>I don't think you necessarily have to change the host IP, so for
>testing, leave it at loopback.

Ok, done.

>Make sure you have the correct internal IP for the backend:

Yes, I do.  I set all my IPs statically, just so I avoid any of those issues.

>Restart your frontend, and see what happens.

No luck, I got the exact error message described here:


NOTE: If you modify the address and use a "real" IP address, you must use real IP addresses in both fields, otherwise your frontend machines will generate "Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION" errors."

>Are you running a backend process on the frontend? If so, you don't
>need to be..

No, I'm not.

Thanks for the reply!

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