On 01/29/2006 02:02 PM, Ronald Kohsman wrote:
> I have  a delay when playback with mplayer. Playback of nuv is perfect.
> I'm using twinview for the monitor and the ntsc-m.
> I have the following detals
> AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800
> nVidia 6600GT using svideo to ntsc
> FC4
> Myth 0.18.2
> nVidia 8178 drivers
> Just point me in the right direction. It would greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

All three have come through:


and the one to which I'm replying.

If you're not seeing your own posts, check your SF list settings at the 
address below (the one at the bottom of every post on the list).

As far as MPlayer, what's a delay?  Audio and video out of sync?  If so, 
"man mplayer<Enter>/sync<Enter>nnnn" (make sure you read in between each 
"n").  Also, remember to use "-framedrop" and look at "-vo" (probably 
want something like "-vo xv"

With xine, you can easily and interactively adjust sync with "m" and "n".

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