I recently used an ad-hoc and ugly channel scanning method that I came 
up with that found 60 digital channels, most of which were not HD.  When 
I use mythtv's scanning tool, it only finds about 7, all of which are 
HD.  The other digital channels are of much better quality than my 
analog feed so I was wondering if there was a standard way to import a 
large amount of channels into the database.  I've made a channels.conf 
file and formatted it with all of the channels that I want to import.

I'm a bit doubtful that there is a way to do this automatically as I 
can't even seem to find a way to add a single digital channel.  In 
mythtv-setup there is an option to add a channel, but this seems to only 
work for analog channels where there is only one channel/frequency (i.e. 
I found no where to add info about the different subchannels of the 
frequency).  I've seen ways to add channels through mysql (i believe) 
but I know nothing about mysql and it looked very tedious if I was going 
to have to do that for all 53 channels that myth didn't find.

And before you ask, I did uncheck the "free to air channels only" box in 
the mythtv-setup before the scan.

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