
J'ai un probleme avec le plugin check_wsc qui permet de checker les espaces disques de windows.
L'eeur qui m'est ressorti est :

Service State Information
Current Status:
Status Information: (Return code of 22 is out of bounds)
Current Attempt: 1/3
State Type: HARD
Last Check Type: ACTIVE
Last Check Time: 04-06-2005 13:52:39
Status Data Age: 0d 0h 0m 37s
Next Scheduled Active Check:   04-06-2005 13:53:39
Latency: < 1 second
Check Duration: < 1 second
Last State Change: 04-06-2005 13:33:46
Current State Duration: 0d 0h 19m 30s
Last Service Notification: N/A
Current Notification Number: 0
Is This Service Flapping? N/A
Percent State Change: N/A
In Scheduled Downtime?
Last Update: 04-06-2005 13:53:06
Service Checks:
Passive Checks:
Service Notifications:
Event Handler:
Flap Detection:

Quelqu'un à une idée???

Merci par avance.
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