Nagios Users, I’ve been using NAGIOS for several years to monitor my
client’s networks and Windows servers. Many of these clients have IPSec
tunnels to their remote offices. I’ve always been able to monitor
the remote locations but never the status of the tunnel. Since my NAGIOS
server is remote to their location, it’s like coming in from the outside
and making a left turn to check if the tunnel is up or down. 1) Duplicate the nrpe_nt_check_cmd in checkcommands.cfg and change
the suffix to _remote. 2) Add this line to your nrpe.cfg file: command[nrpe_nt_check_remote]=c:\nrpe_nt\ping_remote.cmd # where is the remote server 3) Create a ping_remote.cmd file in the nrpe_nt folder: @ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO REMOTE_FOUND IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO REMOTE_DOWN ECHO REMOTE CONNECTION TO %1 IS SLOW EXIT 1 :REMOTE_DOWN ECHO REMOTE CONNECTION TO %1 IS DOWN EXIT 2 :REMOTE_FOUND ECHO REMOTE CONNECTION TO %1 IS UP EXIT 0 REM OK = 0; REM WARNING = 1; REM CRITICAL = 2; REM UNKNOWN = 3; Regards, |