I’m using nagios 1.2 on gentoo.


Apache authentication works great.

I’ve been reading the docs, and found some helpful information on authorizations on this list.  However, I am unable to exactly figure out the right set of directives, to achieve what I’m looking for.


I have two users, A, and B.  A is allowed access to everything.  It can view everything, and it can submit commands for all hosts and services. 

B is only allowed access to some hosts and their services.  I want B to only be able to view some hosts and services, and *not* be able to submit commands.


I’m able to allow A access to everything, and B access to some hosts.  But B is still able to issue commands

Configs so far with names changed to protect the innocent J  These configs all A access to everything and B access to some hosts, but still able to issue commands.  What is the combination of configs needed to make it so B can only view some hosts and not issue commands and A can still do everything.








            define contactgroup {

                        name                all

                        members           A,B


            define contactgroup {

                        name                A-only

                        members           A





            define hostgroup foo {


                        contactgroups all

            .           …



            define hostgroup bar {


                        contactgroups A-only






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