How about a quickie bash/perl wrapper around netcat?


Angel L. Mateo wrote:

        I am trying to monitor one of my servers with check_tcp plugin. With
this, I could send a string to the server (to the specified port) and
analize the answer in order to get an OK, warning or critical message.

        But the problem I have is that I need to send two lines to the server I
want to check, not just one. I have tried to put:

        check_tcp ... -s "first line\nthe second one" ...

        but it sends it as is, without substituting \n for a line break. I have
also tried with:

        check_tcp ... -s "the first line" -s "the second one" ...

        but it connects twice with the server.

        Is there anyway to indicate the line break in the string I want to send
to the server?

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