On 2/10/06, Ricky Schneberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got an issue where my graphs stops updating.
> Last time it happened I disable the hosts (changes the IP to
> unreachabled IPs) and then chenged them back after an hour.
> Today I tried the same thinf, after an recommendation on this list, but
> I still got the error. Then I moced the whole Cacti to another place for
> an hour and then moved it back....nothing happen.
> It seems that cacti poll my hosts, but then nothing happens. The
> rrd-files will not be touched.
> This is not an new install.

You know, I looked. I can't seem to find the word "nagios" anywhere in
your email. There isn't even a HINT as to what setup you're using,
what version we're talking about, or how you've crammed cacti into the

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