
i wish to enable check_http monitoring for my webmail server under nagios 1.2 but
i get the following failure ..
[1140027855] SERVICE ALERT: mail.myvest.com;HTTP;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;Connection refused by host [1140027915] SERVICE ALERT: mail.myvest.com;HTTP;CRITICAL;HARD;3;Connection refused by host

here is my services.cfg entry
define service{
      use                             generic-service
      host_name                       ns1, mail.myvest.com
      service_description             HTTP
      is_volatile                     0
      check_period                    24x7
      max_check_attempts              3
      normal_check_interval           3
      retry_check_interval            1
      contact_groups                  admin
      notification_interval           120
      notification_period             24x7
      notification_options            w,u,c,r
      check_command                   check_http

here is my checkcommands.cfg entry (pretty default)
# 'check_http' command definition
define command{
      command_name    check_http
      command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H $HOSTADDRESS$

HOWEVER, here's the kicker, and why I'm asking for a little nudge in the
right direction ..when I manually run the check it works! Any advice would be
greatly appreciated.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] plugins]# ./check_http -H mail.myvest.com
HTTP ok: HTTP/1.1 200 OK -   0.003 second response time |time=  0.003

i can do it as any user and it works. and the ns1 http check is working fine.

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