I'm running the latest version of Nagios included with Debian sarge/ stable (it reports itself as 1.3-cvs.20050402-2.sarge.1).

I have defined, in /etc/nagios/escalations.cfg, a hostgroupescalation, like so:

define hostgroupescalation{
        hostgroup_name                  all-linux
        first_notification              3
        last_notification               0
        contact_groups                  oncall,sysadmins-pgr
        notification_interval           5

... thinking that from escalation point 3 and up, the oncall person and the sysadmins will get notified every five minutes.

Except that it never seems to get processed. The "default" contact_groups, from the services declaration, all get their notices, but the escalation-people never get theirs.

I created a service escalation (for the service I've been using to test the escalation), and it worked just fine (it's now commented out though as I try to get the hostgroupescalation to work):

#define serviceescalation{
#       host_name               smtp03
#       service_description     SMTP
#       first_notification      3
#       last_notification       0
#       contact_groups          oncall,sysadmins-pgr
#       notification_interval   5

... so I know that the escalations.cfg is being processed, and it's *willing* to escalate, just not to escalate for a hostgroup.

I confirmed that smtp03 *is* in the "all-linux" hostgroup declaration, and it appears there in all the GUI locations, so it's not that the hostgroup simply doesn't match the server in question.

What am I missing? Is this some stupid typo that I'm not noticing? The members of the service's contact_groups field all get their notices, but the people it's supposed to escalate to don't. What am I missing?

Thanks much!



Derek J. Balling
Systems Administrator
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave
Box 13 - Computer Center 221
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
(845) 437-7231

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