>     Better go for Binary installation and it will be good in working
> without error and you can install in few setps.

> unzip
> ./configure
> ./make
> ./make install

I'm not sure what you're definition of binary is, but what you just
described isn't it. That's building from source to install. In some
shops where rpm based distros are mandated, this is a no-no. Your
method doesn't allow for any system-wide software auditing system to
know what is installed. Also, your command above will fail because it
looks for the 'make' command in the current directory where it won't
be. For rpm based systems, it's best to work with the tools of the
system and use rpms. In doing that you have to know how to salt the
general provided directions to taste. There are guides for working
with nagios rpms out there. Basically, understand the theory behind
the directions, and the platform becomes irrelevant.

> and you can see installation way when you unzip tar file.

Nope, you can see the source files. The only binaries in the nagios
tarball are the images.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety''
Benjamin Franklin 1775

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