My bad, although gd and png were installed I had not installed gd-devel
and libpng-devel stuff, after installing those stuff the compile worked
fine. I only had to do ./configure   it picked up everything

Thanks everyone.

>>> "Alan Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/9/2006 10:08:02 AM >>>
Run configure --help
Find the options, run configure --whatyouneed , make clean, make all

Also make sure during configure, it actually found the JPG, zlib, and
png stuff.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Duraiswamy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 8:57 AM
To: Alan Maxwell
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Nagios 2.0 and cgi

nope I did not, is there a way I can just recompile that manually ?

>>> "Alan Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/9/2006 9:52:16 AM >>>
Did you give the configure command the options to enable
I don't think it tries to compile them by default.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 8:45 AM
Subject: [Nagios-users] Nagios 2.0 and cgi

Hello everyone,
I am migrating stuff from 1.1. to 2.0, I did a fresh install of 2.0 on
sles 9 and everything worked fine except for "statusmap.cgi trends.cgi
histogram.cgi " did not get compiled. I have all the
requirements(gd,zlib and png) on the server to compile cgi stuff. If
anyone have any workaround on this please let me know.


John Duraiswamy, CCNP
Network Engineer
Academy for Educational Development
Washington, DC
Tel. 202-884-8116
Fax. 202-884-8464

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