I think those all came through OK.

Check the docs for {net|ucd}-snmp, and the help for check_snmp.* For instance, find out what version of what plugin you're using, what mechanism it uses to read the MIB and access SNMP (bash/perl exec of the binaries, perl module, direct binary implementation compiled-in, etc).

Sounds also like you'll want to determine what it is you actually want to poll via SNMP, and whether it's a static value (temp/PS/FAN/link state) or time-dependent (network traffic, IOps/sec, etc).

If you don't have those questions answered, you might want to start with installing your MIBs in the net-snmp search path (try the net-snmp FAQ ; 'export MIBS=all'), and saving the output to peruse vs. the MIB while you're reading it. In the situation it sounds like you want, you'll have to understand not just Nagios but SNMP as well.



Robert Stewart wrote:
I’m new to setting up SNMP on nagios.

I need some pointers.

I have downloaded the mibs that I need but I have never installed them on Suse 10 for nagios 2.0.

Could you all tell me how I would get the mibs in place to be used by the ./check_snmp command.

Could you all send me an example of the ./check_snmp command that you all use

Thank you

Robert Stewart


E&H Integrated Systems

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