Here is my working updated script.

- Set up a pop3 account with the same email address as the FROM
address of your nagios alerts
- When you receive an alert, simply reply to the alert and prepend
your password and command to the subject.  Like this:
foobar ack PROBLEM: server01/Test Service Webmin is CRITICAL

You can get fancy and have people specify their name too as the author
of the comment if you are in a large environment.  Might even do FROM
header matching and pass that on as the author if you really feel the

Also, here is the updated procmail recipe:

BODY=`formail -I ""`
| /usr/share/nagios/contrib/ "$BODY"



$commandfile = "/var/log/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd";
$now = `date +%s`;
$body = "$ARGV[0]";
chomp $body;
$body =~ s/\n//g;
$comment = "Remote Acknowledgement";
$author = "remote";

($password, $action, $crap, $crap, $crap, $crap) = split(/ /,"$body");
($foo) = $body=~/PROBLEM: (.*\/.*) is/;
($host, $service) = split(/\//,"$foo");
if( $password =~ /(?i)foobar/ ){
        if( $action =~ /(?i)ack/ ){
                open(F,">>$commandfile") or die ("Cant open");
                $output = `/usr/bin/printf "[%lu]
ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM;$host;$service;1;$comment\n" $now`;
                print F $output;
                $output = `/usr/bin/printf "[%lu]
ADD_SVC_COMMENT;$host;$service;1;$author;$comment\n" $now`;
                print F $output;
                close F; }
        elsif ( $action =~ /(?i)nosvcchk/ ){
                open(F,">>$commandfile") or die ("Cant open");
                $output = `/usr/bin/printf "[%lu]
DISABLE_SVC_CHECK;$host;$service\n" $now`;
                print F $output;
                close F; }
        elsif ( $action =~ /(?i)nosvcnotify/ ){
                open(F,">>$commandfile") or die ("Cant open");
                $output = `/usr/bin/printf "[%lu]
DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;$host;$service\n" $now`;
                print F $output;
                close F; }
        elsif ( $action =~ /(?i)nohostchk/ ){
                open(F,">>$commandfile") or die ("Cant open");
                $output = `/usr/bin/printf "[%lu]
                print F $output;
                close F; }
} else {
        exit 1;

On 3/15/06, Dany Allard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David
> We are still working on getting it implemented (change
> control/paperwork).
> The script that was sent to the list by Terry works well enough on the
> command line. We are now working on the e-mail parsing piece.
> Unfortunately due to other priorities this has fallen behind a bit.
> Once I have the completed solution I will post back to the list.
>   Thanks
>  Dany Allard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Schlecht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Acknowledge issues via e-mail
> Hi Dany
> So, Dany, how did your endeavors go? Did you get it working?
> We're looking for the same solution. Are you willing to share your=
>  experience with the list?
> - David Schlecht (dschl)
> -----------------------
> This thread is located in the archive at this URL:
> i=
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> If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender 
> immediately and delete or destroy this
> message without making copies or opening any attachments. Any further 
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