
I have the problem, that a special check_http-command is not
sending output to the nagios process.

In the GUI I get OK, but Info "(No output!)"
If I send the command via the bash of the server I get an
output of the plugin.

I use check_http (nagios-plugins 1.4.1) 1.81
with Nagios 2.0b4 on a SuSE something.

The command definition is:
define  command {
        command_name    check_http_status
        command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H status.$HOSTADDRESS$ -a

The service definition is:
define  service {
        host_name                       blade5.projektron.de
        service_description             HTTP - Statusseite
        is_volatile                     0
        check_command                   check_http_status
        max_check_attempts              3
        normal_check_interval           15
        retry_check_interval            5
        active_checks_enabled           1
        passive_checks_enabled          1
        check_period                    24x7
        parallelize_check               1
        obsess_over_service             1
        check_freshness                 0
        event_handler_enabled           1
        flap_detection_enabled          1
        process_perf_data               0
        retain_status_information       1
        retain_nonstatus_information    1
        contact_groups                  support
        notification_interval           15
        notification_period             24x7
        notification_options            w,u,c,r,f
        notifications_enabled           1
        register                        1

The plugin execution in the CLI works very fine:
# ./check_http -H status.blade5.projektron.de -a Username:Password
HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 4317 bytes in 0.276 seconds
|time=0.276459s;;;0.000000 size=4317B;;;0

Anybody any idea?!?



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