On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 03:34:53PM -0700, Keller, Steve wrote:
> a replacement.  One of the issues we have is that we cannot, for various
> (mostly political) reasons, install an agent on the hosts we monitor.
By any chance is SNMP already in place on the target hosts? That
might cut down on the number of agent-on-demand checks you have
to run.

> So my question is, does anyone know of a reasonable approach to
> agentless monitoring using Nagios?  We are planning to try SSH4, which
Check out FSH (http://freshmeat.net/projects/fsh/) which does a
similiar thing. That should take care of the SSH overhead problem.

> this has the problem that a host which is down, or busy, could delay
> checking other hosts.  
If you are writing this in perl, you can have your plugins
timeout gracefully to prevent that. Nagios can be configured to
time out plugins as well.

-Jason Martin
"Keyboard? How quaint!" - Scotty
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