Radhika wrote:
> ./check_snmp_mem.pl -H -C public -w 90,90 -c 95,95
> i am getting the following error
> *ERROR: netsnmp : Received noSuchName(2) error-status at error-index 4.*

You do have the configuration file snmpd.conf set up to have a read-only 
community name of public, right? It would look like in snmpd.conf. I'm 
not sure where Debian stores this, but in RHEL it's /etc/snmpd.conf.

rocommunity public

Also, is the service turned on and starting ok on the host, snmpd that 
is? Again, I'm not sure of the Debian commands, but on RHEL it would be 
service snmpd start and chkconfig snmpd on to make sure it starts on boot.

Be careful posting your live IP address out in the open especially when 
you might have a read-write setup installed on the snmp host by 
accident. Others could do things to your server then.

If you have to use the older version 1 or 2 snmp then I suggest changing 
the community string to something more difficult. Also, rememeber to 
only allow the configuration to be read-only. The most recent version of 
snmp supports v3, which allows some form of encryption to take place 
with changes of information.


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