On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Eric X. Holzapfel wrote:

> Hello List - See reponse to topic 3 below
> > I have installed the nagios 2.3 on a red hat fedora system.  It was 
> > working, and web access, etc.
> > I went on vacation for 2 weeks, and now nagios will not read the 
> > config files.
> Proves once and and for all that vacations are not just bliss.
> You may be correct as to vacations!
> > When I navigate to the nagios app using apache (http://jersua/nagios) 
> > I get the home page ok, etc.  When I click on the "Tactical Overview"
> > link (or any other link) I get the standard error "Cannot read 
> > configuration files".
> >
> > My nagios -v /user/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg command show all hosts,
> > services, etc as AOK.  My nagions status command shows good as well.
> > When I start the daemon, and navigate as above, I still get the error 
> > in regard to the config files!
> And is this the regular nagios config file? 
> I am using a "directory" for the config files - The nagios.cfg file used
> is the one in /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg (I think that is the
> default)
> Did you do an installation from source? 
> Because this would not be the place to find a nagios config by default
> if you install DAG's RPM.
> I did the install from source, with the builds, makes, and etc.
> Is nagios running? Which config file is it using? Nagios shows as a
> process.  
> I will search for other nagios files.

Just an FYI, but it may help get responses...  copying back an entire
digest to the list is really bad form.

It sounds like your config files are not readable by whatever user your
webserver runs as.

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