It seems that RedHat broke their Fedora HTTP servers with the recent 
release of Fedora Core 6. My yum setup has been solid for a long time but 
now I'm getting errors as well. Trying going to any URL other than / on (like will get a 404 
with a redirect to a page that says:

Fedora Core 6
We are working hard to bring back up to its fully operational 

Until then, please visit our BitTorrent tracker or list of mirrors if you are 
trying to download Fedora Core 6.

Fedora Infrastructre Team

For status updates and information on what systems are affected please visit 
fedora wiki

Fedora is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
The Fedora Project is maintained and driven by the community and sponsored by 
Red Hat, Inc.


On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Max H. wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Justin Craig wrote:
>> I updated my num.conf file with the example provided and cleaned yum.
>> Now, it's looks like progresion, but still get an error when trying to
>> install net-snmp.
>> Ideas?
> I hate to turn you to another mailing list, but see what you can dig up
> on the Fedora forums. If you have a good yum.conf file things should be
> a go, unless they are having issues with the yum mirrors for FC3.
> I don't have any FC instances up at the moment or I could try to see if
> I get any errors either. You don't have any proxy in the way do you? I'd
> perhaps look at that, if you do. Sorry I can't help you more!
> After you get that figured out, though, installing snmp is a snap. ;)
> Max
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> =qLMJ

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